O Arquipélago dos Açores, se quer entrar para a rota de um turismo de qualidade (tem muito potencial paisagístico para tal) terá forçosamente de abolir os costumes bárbaros tauromáquicos que o mantém paralisado no tempo das trevas.
É necessário sair urgentemente do atraso civilizacional que o caracteriza.
If Azores Islands want to get the route of quality tourism (landscape has much potential to do so) it will have to abolish bullfighting barbaric customs that keeps it paralyzed in time of darkness.
It is necessary and urgent leave the civilizational backwardness that characterizes it.
A group of members of the Azorean parliament is trying to approve, for the third time, a law that legalizes bullfighting by means of ‘sorte de varas’ or ‘corrida picada’ (multiple stabbing on the bull’s neck in order to weaken it) in the Azores. Because it is a clear attempt on the physical integrity of the animals, and an attitude that indicates a civilizational step backwards for the Azores, and because we think there is no consensus among the Azorean people concerning this matter, we repudiate this standpoint of the parliament members and urge everyone to join us in our campaign.
Please, sign the petition:
Por favor assinem e divulguem a petição para evitar que aumente a tortura aos touros e cavalos nos Açores.